
All the latest news from Jai…

Update on “Shiva Station” Remake

Hey there, friends...... I hope this beautiful Spring day finds you all in good spirits. Life is so complicated and odd sometimes, isn't it? But we can still try to keep our hearts and minds [...]

Join us at our Summer & Winter Kirtan Camps

Dear friends, Greetings from Northern California!!! I hope the last days of winter find you all healthy and happy... I know there's been a lot of colds and flus this season - I've struggled with [...]

Wishes for 2013

Dear friends, I know I'm a bit late which is totally normal for me, but better late than never! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL!!! May 2013 be a year filled with joy, love [...]

Chicago Children’s Choir Welcomes Back ‘Sita Ram’

The world is a stage for Chicago Children’s Choir as they bring the world musical and cultural treasure ‘Sita Ram’ back to life in Chicago and beyond. Chicago – Chicago Children’s Choir is collaborating with [...]


Become my patron on Patreon

My musical Guru, Ali Akbar Khan, used to speak so sweetly about his time in the Rajasthani court, playing for the king who became his patron and benefactor. Khansahib, as we lovingly called him, claimed he would never have become the maestro that he was without having had that patronage. And the same is true for so many of the greatest artists, playwrights, scientists and musicians of history – they all had patrons helping them to achieve their life’s vision.

Well, it’s 2016 and times have changed. The days of royal patronage are long gone. But now, with crowdfunding and other miracles, we’re relearning the art of giving in a new and very modern way. As we rediscover our interconnectedness and interdependence, we find the awareness that we all need to become patrons of each other.

Jai Uttal Kirtan

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