Hi friends,

Happy summer to you all.

Ever since we started our annual Kirtan Camps people have been asking us two things: when will we do one in India and when will we do one in Brazil? Well, it was four years ago that we took a group of about 45 people to India for a Kirtan Camp in Kerala and it was a life changing adventure for us all. Kirtan in the very home of Bhakti, the land where it was born…

But why Bahia, Brazil? Well, first, of course, for the incredible natural beauty and serenity of the land; vast beaches, warm ocean, miles and miles of virgin coconut forests…..

But more than that, Kirtan in Brazil seems to represent the meeting of cultures that we’ve found in our family, in our music and dance, in our life…. Hindu devotional practices to a Samba beat… Bhaktinova!!!! To some that may sound strange. But I know to many it sounds like bliss. Well, that’s how it sounds to me and to Nubia and to Daniel, so we’re giving it a try. Wanna come????? We’d love to share this with you.

Give it some thought, ok?

Lots of love,

P.S. Summer Kirtan Camp is filling up, so act now!!!!!

Bhakti Bliss Adventures